Tuesday 11 August 2015

95% there!.. I think

Hello! Been a while since the last post but that's mainly due to MONEY! I have just bought and fitted the rather expensive 12v electronic ignition conversion kit! Which I'm very pleased with it was easy to fit and all I need to do now is time the engine up and put some fuel in and get her fired up!

Other little bits I've done are things like setting up the gear linkages and cables, fitting the toolbox and fuel tank and all the little fiddly bits that go with them such as all the rubber stops around the tank, a new choke cable and lever plus the fuel cut off lever and fuel line with a filter. 

Next time I hope to have the engine running, seats finalised and fitted. Olivia is currently restoring the leather seat covers they are gonna look nice! I also hope to have all the lighting in and switches working. So we are nearly there! 

Sunday 12 April 2015

Mudguard and horn cast

More painting! So far during the whole restoration the painting I have found the hardest. Ive not done much aerosol painting at all and I have struggled trying to get the best Finnish possible I don't have a clean spray booth like it should be done in so lots of polishing will be needed to remove any imperfections caused by my dusty shed! Another thing that's even more frustrating is once it's painted and dry every little scratch or mark you put in during the rebuild is just demoralising! But that's the nature of the game... So I'll just have to put it right in the end.

Looking good though!

Leg shield and rubbers

Yesterday I painted and fitted the leg shield and fitted the chrome running strips its starting to look like a complete lambretta now. I just need to paint front mudguard fuel tank Airbox and glove box and then all the body work is done all the left now is to sort out all the control lines wireing and ignition.

Saturday 28 February 2015

Shiny Shiny

I just fitted the rear foot plates and new shiny chome floor runners they were originally a dull grey plastic so this is definitely a worthy upgrade even though I want it as original as possible. They weren't a perfect fit and some of the bolts were welded in the wrong place slightly bedding them sorted that out. Anyway they look really nice now they're on.

Friday 27 February 2015

Brake lines and speedo cable

Last night I fitted some cables the speedo runs through the steerer tube which requires taking the speedo driver out of the sleeve threading through the fork andd steerer tube first then following it as a guide with the sleeve.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Engine in wheels on!

My recent goal has been to at least get her rolling so I've bought new tyres painted wheels, kickstand and dug the engine out of my bedroom where it's been sat after having a good clean and rebuild.

I stripped the forks and got new headset bearings, bump stops, springs and guides. In went the forks on went the front wheel. It's not so easy I didn't know that the lower bump stop needed to be removed to put the lower arms in using the spring compressor.
It made a few scratches after I figured it out!
The engine went in easy.
Excuse the rusty rear shock that will soon change!

Winter blues

Winter winter with the lambo restoration... it's dark and damp and my shed gets really cramped! My enthusiasm has been turned down slightly and to be honest not much was done! But days are growing longer which has given me fresh start and since I stripped and primed most bits recently I've been going bonkers in the shed painting and putting things back together and getting very excited. Paint and all the little bits are far more costly than I thought!

Olivia having a little go at sanding with a wire bush...

It's been a while...

Since our last post, Iv'e been busy with uni - being in third year is fun but hectic! And Danny has been slaving away restoring Rolls Royces for the super-rich. We took a bit of a break from the Lambretta over the deep winter but now that evenings have been getting lighter Danny has the chance to spend a bit of time in the shed after work.

I also like to get involved when I can, we spent half of our valentines weekend down the bottom of the garden sanding and priming.. However we made up for it with a trip to Thermae Spa in Bath the next day!

Danny has made some amazing progress in the past month, teaching himself how to panel-beat, prime and paint.. I think you'll agree he's done a beautiful job.